
Showing posts with the label CPR course online


  10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT CPR We have all seen dramatic scenes in television and movies that show someone providing CPR to rescue the victim.  Because of this, you would think that knowing CPR is more common in the United States.  Unfortunately, a shockingly small amount of the public has received training in CPR.  Efforts to educate the public more on how to perform CPR have been somewhat recent, but these efforts will hopefully encourage more people to learn CPR so that we can save more lives.  Here are some things about  CPR facts  that you didn’t know: You Are More Likely to Perform CPR at Home The likelihood that you will need to perform CPR on a loved one is much higher than that of a stranger.  According to the American Heart Association, 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur at home.  Cardiac arrests can happen to anyone at any age, and the chance of survival is higher if CPR is given immediately.  In fact, a cardiac arrest victim who receives CPR by a bystander before me

CPR Certification or BLS certification – How do you choose the Ideal CPR Class

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)  is one of the most important emergency medical measures that you can systematically learn without a lot of experience or prior medical knowledge. Although it might seem simple to do, it has the capacity to save a lot of lives especially during times of emergency when no one else can help. CPR is often quoted parallel to BLS.  BLS stands for Basic Life Support . The key difference between CPR and BLS is that the BLS is an advanced CPR AED course. It is designed for healthcare professionals as opposed to the CPR certification that is meant for normal people. In essence, both of them are almost the same in terms of course content and the insight on they provide into first-aid during times of emergency. The American Red Cross equivalent the PLS certification is called the  “CPR for Professional Rescuers and Healthcare Providers.” The professional requirement More often than not, it will be observed that people call for BLS certification more than CPR ce