
Showing posts from June, 2020

Reasons Why A Person Needs Online CPR Certification

CardioPulmonary Resuscitation or CPR as it is commonly abbreviated is one of the basic medical techniques employed by frontline medical professionals when providing medical assistance in emergencies.  CPR is considered the first treatment to be provided in cases of cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction. CPR has a widespread spectrum of application when it comes to first aid. However, the current constraints because of COVID-19 and the norms imposed for social distancing mean that CPR classes cannot be conducted in the same way. Much to the delight of  healthcare providers , those required to have it for employment and those with interest in obtaining it for personal reasons,  CPR classes online  are available now. Using top-notch technology and comprehensive material, learning CPR has become increasingly accessible due to the availability and acceptance of online courses. Getting a  CPR certification online  brings a host of advantages. Availability The g...

Learn Why Simple CPR Online Certification is Right for you

CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation is one of the most basic medical techniques. It helps save people during medical emergencies and is especially useful in the case of cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction. What is CPR? CPR is a way to give aid to a victim by providing life saving air flow and heart compressions in circumstances when the heart may have stopped suddenly.  The word ‘cardio’ means heart, and ‘pulmonary’ means lungs. Resuscitation is the act of reviving breathing through mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. The steps involved in a CPR There are three steps involved in CPR – Chest Compressions, Airway Checking, and Rescue Breathing. Chest compressions  is a succession of firm presses on the chest of the victim. This is done in an attempt to move the blood out of the heart that has stopped beating. The pressure on the chest has to be at optimum levels and at the same time, the rhythm of compression should be in line with the natural rhythm of the heart. The s...


Knowing how to care for the children if you work with them or if you have them at home is essential. Children are always prone to injuries that need attention. You need to be able to know what to do in case of certain injuries or illnesses. This means that you should be able to perform CPR on children and be able to take care of them just in case they become victims of injuries or even certain illnesses. If you don’t already know CPR, the good news is that you can get  CPR Certification Online . You can even get  First Aid certificate  as well. Being trained in these two areas may help save a life. The First Aid Skills You Should Know: It has been reported that over 12,000 kids every year die from injuries such as drowning, poisoning, falls, burns, and incidents that arise from road traffic that are all preventable. A lot of overlap exists in the CPR and the first aid skills both for children and adults. However, you should focus on a few skills and techniques that you sh...